And take advantage of a great feature called “autocommands” for…​ the automation part.

Autocommands are Vim’s way of executing arbitrary commands when specific events happen. Entering a window, quitting insert mode, loading a buffer with a specific filetype are some of the many events available.

An autocommand usually looks like that:

autocmd event pattern command

where autocmd is the command that defines an autocommand, event can be a single event or a comma-separated list of events, pattern is a simple pattern describing what [todo] and command is what we want to happen.

Scrolling through the list at :help autocommand-events we find BufWritePost which looks like it can be used after :w to :make and :cwindow. Let’s try it:

autocmd BufWritePost *.c silent make|cwindow

Phew! That was easy…​

But we are not finished with autocommands yet. The way that feature is implemented makes it easy for autocommands to “pile up” when we source our vimrc during a session and provoke performance issues. To avoid side effects, we should wrap our autocommands in an augroup and empty it before define our actual autocommands. The whole boilerplate looks like this:

augroup groupname
    autocmd event pattern command
augroup END


augroup c
    autocmd BufWritePost *.c silent make|cwindow
augroup END

From there, one can configure many things to suit his needs: what program to run when doing :make or :grep, how to parse the output of those comands so that it can be used in the quickfix list, for what filetype to use what setting…​ but that will be the subject of another chapter.